Kopfbild Pergande Group
09.08.2017 13:52 Age: 7 yrs
Category: Aktuelle Meldungen



Once again the Pergande Group will exhibit at this year's POWTECH fair from March 26th to March 28th in Nuernberg.

The focus for our forthcoming exhibition is the expertise of the Pergande Group in the fields of granulation and drying technology, industrial plant and apparatus construction as well as dedusting and filter technology.

Corporately with Fraunhofer IFF Magdeburg we proudly present a complete integrated assistance system for the first time. This system notably facilitates maintenance and servicing as well as malfunction detection of complex process plants. The system was developed together with Fraunhofer IFF Magdeburg and awarded as innovative "Industry 4.0" solution with the prize "Digitale Erfolgsgeschichten Sachsen-Anhalt" ("Digital Succsess Story Saxony-Anhalt"). Furthermore, together with the company VISUALIMPRESSION/360° Stereo 3D, we will demonstrate state-of-the art methods of plant engineering in conjuction with Virtual Reality.

As another highlight we will present an innovative sluice system for product discharge from dedusting and filter equipments, which is particularly suitable for handling of finely dispersed particles like pyrogenic silica.

The company's stand is lacated in Hall 4 - Stand 536.

Link to POWTECH Homepage

2016 © Pergande Group